Working from Home (1)

Covid-19 pandemic is getting serious everyday. The government have “advised” us to not go anywhere and work from home due to mass spread of corona virus. Public gatherings including praying inside the mosque are restrictedWe suggested to have to social distancing for a while. It’s not lockdown. It’s limited movement. You can still go out and buy groceries. A several public services is still operating normally. The whole idea is prevent a large group of people from being together. The company I work for has asked everyone to work from home. They schedule a confrence meeting and we still have to provide a progress reports. My first day of online work from home has been an epic fail. Sleepy, eating like crazy and trying to keep myself sane. I am finding it hard to get motivated at the moment. I am a little confused as to what the proper attire is when working from home.

I am usually productive and organized at the office but now I am sleepy and even staring out the windows. It is hard to get my mind wrapped into working stuff. When you work at home, it can be hard to keep your professional life separate from your home life. So, how can you keep your work life on track when there is a comfortable couch at home? Or a fridge with full stocked food? I think I have to wake up and be able to adapt to a constantly changing situation like this moment. So far, the good thing of working from home is i can totally rest my body (after an exhausting business trip in Senipah last week). I am saving 2-2.5 hours of time daily by not commuting to the office (now, my commute is literally 3 steps from my bed to the computer). I don’t wear makeup at all and I have lots of time for sports. It would be rude if i am not take an advantage of working from home.

 is now a real problem. It can be spread even in the incubation stage or without any symptoms. We support the government efforts to tackle corona virus. Follow the rules our governments have imposed. We recommended to stay home at least 14 days. We couldn’t able to break the corona chain unless we stop the gathering. Take this seriously because you can unknowingly be a carrier. Practice social distancing and sanitize. If you have symptoms like fever, cough, and sneezing. Don’t panic and don’t hesitate to visit hospital. Whether you have the corona virus or not, try and get as much rest as you can. Your quarantine may stop spreading Corona virus in our community.

Major Life Decision

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