Working from Home (2)

Working from home has it perks and downside. As office work moves to remote work, working from home is really challenging. I honestly don’t know what to do until next week. Do I just sit on my computer? or should I start cleaning my room now? and I don’t even know what to do with myself during video confrences meeting? Should I wear formal attire? Should I put any makeup on? Well, I know that my team never comment on my looks since they don’t really care about those things. People often keep their video on for the first five minutes and then they turn it off (also me). We all get in around 9 am (and say hello), now become chaos and uncoordinated. It is hard to keep video on, especially for someone whom introverts like me.

Moreover, I am the only one female worker on my team. I am feeling an awkward to see them online, and so they are. Sometimes, we are laughing together because we looks like someone who is looking for a partner in dating apps 
hahaha…. Working from home is a difficult transition. We have tried so hard to focus and avoid getting distracted by non-essential tasks. We have been making sure we keep in touch everyday via video confrences and tracking the work progress. It’s easy to tell who is comfortable with working from home and who isn’t. Some needs physical presence or eye contact and feels lost without them.
Meeting confrences be like….

Working from home has become significantly less relaxed as a result. You can turn off the video, but it looks odd when others have it onAdd kids & pets to the mix. Well, this is very stressful for some. But, working from home certainly has its perks. I have more time for myself to get more freelance work done (if you are interested in getting a freelance job, you can find it at or Doing what I love is helping so much in this time. I am adding some more pages to my blog and do things that are not useful like….stalking to my crush hahaha…. A bonuses is I am saving more $$$ since I don’t need to commuting and wasting money buying expensive lunches. 

Major Life Decision

Life is a series of choices and decisions. There are times when you have to choose and make major life changing events such as which univers...