Eid-Al-Fitr 1441H: Forgive Yourself Before Others

Easy to forgive others, but difficult to forgive yourself? Eid is all about "forgiveness" but would you forgive yourself? For years, we have been taught to forgive others but we have never been taught to forgive ourselves. How often do we hurt ourselves? Overthinking? Moody? or Insecure? Blaming yourself for all the failures that you encountered and insecurities that you keep under the skin are really toxic anyway. Self harm also looks like seeking acceptance, trying to satisfy everyone, living somebody else’s path, and keeping abusive people around. Self harm can become an addiction with cravings and withdrawal. There is no guarantee you would have 100% stopped because self harm loves self blame too. You’re doing more (self) harm by holding on. One to over come this is save yourself from self harm. This means you forgive yourself even what you think is unforgivable. Learn to say "no" to others and let go of what's bitter. Stop worrying so much and stop comparing yourself. Be kind to yourself. 

Ramadan is almost over. We talk about asking for forgiveness and forgiving others a lot during Eid here. But this year, I think maybe it’s also a good time to forgive yourself. Let go of the thing you have been carrying that’s weighing you down. Eid Fitr is not only a chance to ask forgiveness from others, but also a chance for you to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself before others and have a blessed Eid-al-Fitr. Today is Eid, marks a new year. It demarks time to change your way of thinking.  Let this Eid open your mind and live your life like everyday is Ramadan.

To anyone I have hurt directly or indirectly. I am sincerely sorry. May this Eid fills your days with tons of joy, blessings, love and kindness to your heart. Let’s forgive others and forgive yourself.  I wish you peace, compassion, connection, insight, and growth. Eid is supposed to be the happiest time of the year for a Muslim. The most blessed and joyous. This year might not as usual because we have to stay at home, but it is for the best. Wherever you are, please please take care of yourself, stay safe and keep yourself healthy. 

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin 

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