Are We Ready For "New Normal"?

On saturday afternoon, I opened an email from the office and I found the slide "Get Ready For New Normal" which contained new work rules during the pandemic until 2021. Am I ready for the "new normal"?  Not really. But, do I have a choice? Well, everyone is trying to adapt with the new normal. It has officially been 10 weeks since I’ve interacted with another person in person. Zoom is great and all, but I’m not sure I can do it for another weeks. It really makes my soul scream. I am not really loving the new normal but like everyone else, I just miss my normal life. An activities in my city have started to appear "normal" in the last few days of Ramadan. People get active in the markets. Salesmen try to sell their goods. People try to buy everything they need for Eid al-Fitr. It is fully responsible for spread of virus, endangering their own and other people's lives by crowding. But, it is also shows that we cannot stay at home to wait for the right medicine for this pandemic.

A new normal changing the way everyone in the world is working and living their daily lives. It also affects to working, transportation, consumption, construction, city-planning and everything we do. I Just watched the video how big malls in Bangkok re-open and adapt with new normal condition. Get ready for a new normal might be the way to recover and survive from COVID-19 outbreaks. According to WHO, Corona would not go away soon; we have to live with it. Staying indoors for ever is not a solution. We've been pausing for too long. Slowly and cautiously we will have to come back to our regular life by accepting new normal. Life is must go on somehow. Everybody have mouth to feed, stomach to be filled. Without working and do activities, the economy of the country will become worse.

We don't know when this Pandemic will be over. As the world adapts to a new normal, it is important that we keep up with all the safety and sanitization measures. Social distancing, masks and enhanced hygiene are becomes our new normal. At least do it for yourself, for everyone's safety. I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy during this time. We must adapt and adjust to the new normal without fear. We will get through this together. God bless everyone...

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