[K-Drama Review] It's Okay to Not Be Okay

It's Okay To Not Be Okay is one of the most popular Korean drama of 2020. The drama highlighted the ups and downs relationship between the trio of Gang Tae, Mun Yeong, and Sang Tae. Gang Tae is a health worker who works in a psychiatric ward room. He is assigned to write down any changes to the patient's condition and to be prepared to deal with unexpected situations. Mun Yeong, played by Seo Ye Ji has an antisocial personality disorder but he is a popular author of children's books. Sang-tae, the older brother of Gang Tae who has an autism spectrum disorder. He loves doodling on books written by Mun-Yeong and he later becomes Mun-Yeong's illustrator. 

Both Mun Yeong and Gang Tae were unhappy for the longest time. It is because of the long-standing trauma from their childhood. It took a long time. But they healed each other. And for a while, they thought that they needed to let go of each other to make the other happy. But they fought for that love. They fought to be together. And they fought to get that happiness that they both deserve.

For the past few weeks, I went on a roller-coaster ride of emotions but also laughing while watched this drama.  Each episode of the K-drama has tried to showcase how the trio are like each other’s family. It also narrates how trauma and heartbreak can change one’s emotional side. This trio showed us that love does not magically heal all our scars and trauma but insted showed us that loving and being loved is enough for us to keep going no matter what and be better for yourself and your loved ones. It's Okay to Not Be Okay to leave us with a parting words of wisdom: "What the Shadow Witch had stolen from them was not their true faces but their courage to find happiness."

Thank you for the much-needed life lessons, It really is okay to not be okay.

The New Normal is "The New Me"

Did you ever feel empty inside? I feel very empty inside. I am honestly missing a human to human connection right now. Lockdown is fully giving me an insanity. Workload has increased 3-4 times due to circumstances. I feel numbness in my mind, body, and soul.  I am not sure, if it's the missing feeling of my family and friends or if there’s something not right. But I think, this is a part of feeling lonely af lately, or constantly seeing the world around me crumble and having some very intense dysphoria.

As someone who’s went through and seen traumatic things growing up, I know how it feels to be cold and bitter for no reason. Such a strange world at the moment I need distracting from this conditions. I am trying all kinds of ways to make myself more cheered up. Life is getting hard without that one person who was always there by your side. Some people need more support from others than they can get irl.

I am pretty sure this new normal is going to be just normal pretty soon. I get myself to accept and subsequently conform to. May The New Normal also remarks "The New Me". We can slowly start to shift our mindset away from fear and towards hope and optimism.

Stay healthy!
Stay sane!
Stay alive!

Welcoming Eid-al-Fitr with "New Normal"

My journey for Ramadan this year is quite different and challenging.We unable to celebrate Ramadan feast like how we used to be. With the social distancing suggestion, we have to stay at home. It is physical distancing that we must practice, not social distancing. A thousand miles apart, but stay close at heart. It is very nice to be part of such a beautiful Ramadan celebration even from the distance. We may not be able to see each other (-or- to gather together in the ways we often would), but we know that you are always in our hearts. Our efforts to stay home may help to "flatten the curve".

A very different Ramadan, but the essence remains. This is the most meaningful Ramadan I have witnessed in my life. I was more focused on my prayers. I realised how prayer can help you to recalibrate in the midst of a challenging day at work or when you're going through a difficult time. I have a different perspective on life that I didn’t 10 weeks ago. This Ramadan gives a special message about selflessness and save other people's lives. Spend time with your loved ones when you can, as life is short. Sharing what we have and caring for others. 

Sunday is the first day of Syawal 1441H, marking the beginning of Eid-al-Fitr celebrations for Muslims across the globe. Hari Raya Eid-al-Fitr is a joyous celebration where family members greet one another. This year’s celebration will be very different. We are all facing a new normal during this Pandemic Time. We are forced to change our lifestyle to fit into current situation. People are being creative and have seek a way to celebrate occasions through video conferencing and social media, virtual reaching friends, family and community members. They get on to Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet to socialize. Reconnecting with loved ones on a video call over a cup of tea (and a plate of  "ketupat" and rendang). 

They say building Silaturahim online is a new normal. This pandemic has pushed many people into closer relationships with tech and this is the beginning of new normal. We are forced to be technologically advanced. Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Children, and Siblings may become a part of digital society right now. We have to adapt to this new normal and make the best out of it. Stay connected with your loved ones and stay safe! 

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin 

Eid-Al-Fitr 1441H: Forgive Yourself Before Others

Easy to forgive others, but difficult to forgive yourself? Eid is all about "forgiveness" but would you forgive yourself? For years, we have been taught to forgive others but we have never been taught to forgive ourselves. How often do we hurt ourselves? Overthinking? Moody? or Insecure? Blaming yourself for all the failures that you encountered and insecurities that you keep under the skin are really toxic anyway. Self harm also looks like seeking acceptance, trying to satisfy everyone, living somebody else’s path, and keeping abusive people around. Self harm can become an addiction with cravings and withdrawal. There is no guarantee you would have 100% stopped because self harm loves self blame too. You’re doing more (self) harm by holding on. One to over come this is save yourself from self harm. This means you forgive yourself even what you think is unforgivable. Learn to say "no" to others and let go of what's bitter. Stop worrying so much and stop comparing yourself. Be kind to yourself. 

Ramadan is almost over. We talk about asking for forgiveness and forgiving others a lot during Eid here. But this year, I think maybe it’s also a good time to forgive yourself. Let go of the thing you have been carrying that’s weighing you down. Eid Fitr is not only a chance to ask forgiveness from others, but also a chance for you to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself before others and have a blessed Eid-al-Fitr. Today is Eid, marks a new year. It demarks time to change your way of thinking.  Let this Eid open your mind and live your life like everyday is Ramadan.

To anyone I have hurt directly or indirectly. I am sincerely sorry. May this Eid fills your days with tons of joy, blessings, love and kindness to your heart. Let’s forgive others and forgive yourself.  I wish you peace, compassion, connection, insight, and growth. Eid is supposed to be the happiest time of the year for a Muslim. The most blessed and joyous. This year might not as usual because we have to stay at home, but it is for the best. Wherever you are, please please take care of yourself, stay safe and keep yourself healthy. 

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin 

Are We Ready For "New Normal"?

On saturday afternoon, I opened an email from the office and I found the slide "Get Ready For New Normal" which contained new work rules during the pandemic until 2021. Am I ready for the "new normal"?  Not really. But, do I have a choice? Well, everyone is trying to adapt with the new normal. It has officially been 10 weeks since I’ve interacted with another person in person. Zoom is great and all, but I’m not sure I can do it for another weeks. It really makes my soul scream. I am not really loving the new normal but like everyone else, I just miss my normal life. An activities in my city have started to appear "normal" in the last few days of Ramadan. People get active in the markets. Salesmen try to sell their goods. People try to buy everything they need for Eid al-Fitr. It is fully responsible for spread of virus, endangering their own and other people's lives by crowding. But, it is also shows that we cannot stay at home to wait for the right medicine for this pandemic.

A new normal changing the way everyone in the world is working and living their daily lives. It also affects to working, transportation, consumption, construction, city-planning and everything we do. I Just watched the video how big malls in Bangkok re-open and adapt with new normal condition. Get ready for a new normal might be the way to recover and survive from COVID-19 outbreaks. According to WHO, Corona would not go away soon; we have to live with it. Staying indoors for ever is not a solution. We've been pausing for too long. Slowly and cautiously we will have to come back to our regular life by accepting new normal. Life is must go on somehow. Everybody have mouth to feed, stomach to be filled. Without working and do activities, the economy of the country will become worse.

We don't know when this Pandemic will be over. As the world adapts to a new normal, it is important that we keep up with all the safety and sanitization measures. Social distancing, masks and enhanced hygiene are becomes our new normal. At least do it for yourself, for everyone's safety. I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy during this time. We must adapt and adjust to the new normal without fear. We will get through this together. God bless everyone...

Ramadan 1441H: An Unusual Experience

Today muslims in the world welcoming special month, it is Ramadan 1441H. We are fasting for a month, keep our thought, heart, eyes and act to do only good things. Ramadan this year will be a very different and challenging experience due to COVID-19 pandemic. Fasting won't feel the same like previous. No pasar takjil, no bukber, no taraweeh together and more. This is going to be an extremely unusual Ramadan. At my age, I have never seen Ramadan with no taraweeh prayers in mosques or without iftar gatherings. I even started to miss the taraweeh prayer at the Istiqlal mosque. We are in difficult times right now. We all feel sad. We do. But, we have to be very patient. There can be no greater service than doing our part to protect our communities by staying home. We can still do a virtual iftars and nightly taraweeh prayers at home.

Ramadan has never been about iftar/suhoor parties with lavish displays of food and ironically, more food wastage in this blessed month. During fasting think of the millions of Muslims who won't be able to break their fast because of the miseries of pandemic. This crisis may actually help us get a better perspective on what Ramadan really means.  It seems remind us of the importance of shared compassion and support. We can do something to help such as Donate whatever you can: food, money, sympathy, or even good words. We have to stand shoulder to shoulder fighting this pandemic.

Taraweeh prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque in 2019 

Ramadan 1441H will be a month of simplicity. It is an opportunity to gain closeness to Allah and our Holy Qur’an with no distractions. Let us channel the spirit of Ramadan this year by being indulgent, wasting less food and consider those in need by lending a helping hand. Let us make this our best Ramadan ever. May Allah lift this pandemic from us, forgive us, wash our sins and make us pure in this holy month of Ramadan. 

Happy Ramadan...

Stay healthy!
Stay sane!
Stay alive!

Succulove (Succulent-Love)

Succulents are popping up everywhere these days. Succulents are easier to look after during #wfh since we have more free time to take care of them. I had never really taken an interest in caring for plants because I have killed almost every plant I have ever owned hahaha... But this time it's different. Look at this cute succulent. My succulent's name is Succulove (taken from Succulent-Love). This is a small and adorable succulents plant. There is something special about taking care of these tiny plant. I have been working hard to support and raise my succulent, as I am an over waterer. They are very low maintenance. They just need a lil' water once a week. They're also need some sun and warmth. If we put way too much water, the leaves would start crumbling.

It is such nice, hot weather today. My room doesn’t get a lot of direct light, so during my lunch break, I have been taking my succulents to the balcony to get sun and having lunch with them. My succulents are what’s keeping me sane this quarantine period. They comforts me by showing me the little things that can give me joy. Since I have them, I feel happier. They bring me peace and make me feel a little less lonely these days. Succulents are like aloe vera. They also have a lot of benefits for skin and hair. I am trying to grow a few more succulents as well during #wfh. 

So, how is everyone’s quarantine going? Succulove wants everyone to be safe and happy...

Itaewon Class: Business Management with Mas Roy

Itaewon Class might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it is such a good spirit lifting drama to watch. This is not a typical romantic drama, but a heart warming drama that talks about the issues we are experiencing today: Power, Transgender and Age-gap. I like "Crash Landing on You" but I think "Itaewon Class" is still way better since I can learn many things from the drama. I learn economy, marketing, business and politic in Itaewon class. But the most important thing is  I learn how to have goal in life and determination to achieve them. Itaewon Class is adapted from popular webtoon in Korea. It's not everytime you see a drama that raises awareness on sensitive issues that are often neglected or forgotten. The whole story tells more about the reality of life that usually occurs around us (slice of life).

Mas Roy (aka Park Sae-Ro-Yi) who has ambition to establish a restaurant franchise called DanBam. He is assisted by several people, one of whom was Jo Yi Seo (Kim Da Mi) who served as DanBam's manager. Building a business based on revenge, of course it's not as easy as his thought. Despite having dreamed of building DanBam for seven years, in fact Mas Roy didn't really understand how to do business. This makes him often experience failure in his business. Mas Roy and his staff often faced many problems. However, they always respond to all problems positively. They are always looking for ways on how to solve the problem. Loyalty, friendship, trust, and mutual support are the keys to their success in running DanBam.

It's so damn good and very inspiring quotes of Itaewon Class: "Starting from now, my dream is to become a rich person". Why be rich? It's because money has strong influence in his (even our) life decisions. Mas Roy promised to become rich to pay for his father's death by building a restaurant that would later become a competitor of the Jangga Group. Jang Dae-hee, the CEO of Jangga is very rich and powerful. But, he uses his strength and wealth to achieve his goals in wrong way. No one dares to defy him, except Mas Roy. Another favorite character is Lee Ho Jin, a financial manager. He was helping Mas Roy to invested when Jangga's stock was falling. If  Mas Roy doesn't have him, Mas Roy doesn't own 1% of the stake (1.9 billion won) and buying a store to runs his business. 

My favorite scene in Itaewon Class

It's not a real-life story. But, this drama hits me a lot. Every character was so well written and seems they all taught us something. Itaewon class tells us how financial planning and managing is important. They give practical lessons to start a business and beat the big corporation instead of being a rat. I learn that business isn’t just about money, business is about people. Stick to your morals no matter what, even if you doing something that you don’t believe in might help you to get your goal. This is highly recommended drama that covers all the aspects of life.

Working from Home (5)

I have Love-Hate-Relationship with Jakarta. Everyday they keeps torturing me with their traffic and air pollution. But still, I keep missing them.. I missed their tortures... An inner peace comes from a 4-weeks of social distancing and self-quarantine. I never see a beautiful clouds since I move here. It is such a bliss to have clear skies in Jakarta right now. It is a calm, quiet and sunny day across the street. It is unusual situation in Jakarta. It seems like this city wants to remind us how much we destroy our environment and planet. Last time I went to Jakarta, the air pollution just that bad. But Today, the Air Quality Index (AQI) of Jakarta shows Moderate score. It's a rare moment for the most polluted city in Indonesia. It’s takes a pandemic for Jakarta to achieve this. 

God, I miss open space so much... Staying inside for days at a time is bad for my health. I have become a bit pale over the last few days from staying home. Social distancing and self-quarantine does not mean to lock up inside and never see the sun. It means be responsible and avoid large groups of people. WFA is the new WFH. Work from anywhere and enjoy nature and zero commute time... An hour walking is good relief from the current self-isolation. It feels great to go for a walk and breathe in fresh air. 


It is a nice day to do some re-rooting and getting back into alignment. I only go outside for essential trips: food, health or work reasons. Fresh air, sunlight, and some-sort-of social interaction keep me sane. But sadly, this isn't followed by the end of pandemic. We're all going through this together. Stay strong and load up on vitamin-D to strengthen our immune system. Still, don't forget to wear mask and keep the distance whenever you go out in public area. 

Hope the warm sun and the better air quality slows the transmission of Covid 19...
Stay healthy!
Stay sane!
Stay alive!

Working from Home (4)

What's scarier than being alone? Isolation and Insanity. As a fan of the Stephen King (Book and Movie), I watched 'The Shining' again last night. 'The Shining' is a 1980 Pyschological horror film about a family staying at a hotel where the man (Jack Torrence) slowly becomes insane and psychotic. Living in isolation, he begins to lose his sanity which affects his family members. Watching 'The Shining' while in self-isolation sounds not good idea. 'The shining' perfectly exibits how closely related solitude is to mental illness. 'The Shining' taught me everything I need to know about the effects of isolation.


In this time of weirdness, 'The Shining’ is starting to make a lot of sense. It just occurred to me that my working-from-home life is basically like Jack except: I don’t own an axe, I don't have cabin fever and I am totally sure I am not insane while I am TRYING TO WRITE MY BLOG. I guess I am just stuck in my house. Social distancing and isolation is not easy on the mental health. Maybe sitting in your house doing whatever you want sounds easy at the first place, but that's forgetting all the psychological factors. Being stuck inside for almost a damn month, it makes you go stir crazy. It is also increased risk of depression and anxiety. Think Jack in 'The Shining'. Mental health is a thing, people. This film makes us aware that health must be maintained both physically and mentally. 

Working from home is wild. I either spend 6-8 hours sitting in front of my computer to appear online, or I fall so deep into work that the next thing I know, it’s 9 pm and I still haven’t eaten lunch. How Not to End Up like Jack from 'The Shining'? If you're new to working remotely you're going to need some strategies to not go stir crazy. For the sake of sanity, I need to go to outside to stay sane. I later realized how bad I need sunlight, fresh air, and exercise. The only places I can have any kind of social interaction is at the coffee shop, McDonald’s, and the grocery store. It is nice to be back in an area where I meet people and don’t depend on online social interaction to stay sane. 

If you're someone who needs social interaction to stay sane, go outside with mask at all the time. Wipe everything with alcohol before putting away and wash clothes and shower after.

Stay healthy!
Stay sane!
Stay alive!

Working from Home (3)

Working from home and trying to stay sane? Entering 3rd week of #WFH, I really need to go to the office for the social interaction. It is so hard to keep up physical activity to stay healthy (and sane!) while we are cooped up at home. For people like me who are used to working in an office, making the shift to #WFH can get hectic. Things can get messy as the lines between your personal life and working hours start blurring. I believe there are many who doesn't have the kinds of jobs where #WFH is possible. Seriously, how do people who work in some kind of public service (doctor, police, banker, etc) do jobs when they have to sit in front of a screen all day. It is obviously a weird situation. Corona is bothering the mental health of people. This #WFH thing slowly driving me insane too. I have no idea what I am doing during this difficult period. I started to do such random things like making funny makeup looks or just read a dry humor books. I gotta do silly things just because I am totally bored. By making myself laugh, helps me remember not to take myself too serious.

Drilling Engineering Class (virtual)

Today's work "interactive" Teams chat of the day: "What are you guys doing to stay sane in the time of WFH?" My senior is very concerned about what we are doing to help our teams stay sane. We are aware that these times can be tough for some people that are alone or struggling with the quarantine. Yes, we need to pull through together and help each other out. Sometimes as humans we need each other to keep sane. How can we stay SANE during this crisis? We try to find an unique ways to stay connected. We don't always talk about work during virtual meetings. We take a 30 minutes for mental management break. We do virtual coffee breaks  with our work pals. We joined a Drilling Engineering Class (virtual) to refresh our mind while adding new insight. We even do a Netflix party where we can watch movie on Netflix with a friend at a distance and use a group text to comment via messenger. This is the best thing ever for movie time with our teams during quarantine. Totally synced playback, can pause for the entire group and chat together at the same time. It's lovely! Nice to have movie party with them. We hope we can do a drakor marathon together hahaha....

In this strange time, I hope you are also managing to stay safe, stay sane, and get some work done! Together we are stronger than COVID-19. 

Stay healthy!
Stay sane!
Stay alive!

Working from Home (2)

Working from home has it perks and downside. As office work moves to remote work, working from home is really challenging. I honestly don’t know what to do until next week. Do I just sit on my computer? or should I start cleaning my room now? and I don’t even know what to do with myself during video confrences meeting? Should I wear formal attire? Should I put any makeup on? Well, I know that my team never comment on my looks since they don’t really care about those things. People often keep their video on for the first five minutes and then they turn it off (also me). We all get in around 9 am (and say hello), now become chaos and uncoordinated. It is hard to keep video on, especially for someone whom introverts like me.

Moreover, I am the only one female worker on my team. I am feeling an awkward to see them online, and so they are. Sometimes, we are laughing together because we looks like someone who is looking for a partner in dating apps 
hahaha…. Working from home is a difficult transition. We have tried so hard to focus and avoid getting distracted by non-essential tasks. We have been making sure we keep in touch everyday via video confrences and tracking the work progress. It’s easy to tell who is comfortable with working from home and who isn’t. Some needs physical presence or eye contact and feels lost without them.
Meeting confrences be like….

Working from home has become significantly less relaxed as a result. You can turn off the video, but it looks odd when others have it onAdd kids & pets to the mix. Well, this is very stressful for some. But, working from home certainly has its perks. I have more time for myself to get more freelance work done (if you are interested in getting a freelance job, you can find it at https://projects.co.id or https://www.freelancer.co.id). Doing what I love is helping so much in this time. I am adding some more pages to my blog and do things that are not useful like….stalking to my crush hahaha…. A bonuses is I am saving more $$$ since I don’t need to commuting and wasting money buying expensive lunches. 

Working from Home (1)

Covid-19 pandemic is getting serious everyday. The government have “advised” us to not go anywhere and work from home due to mass spread of corona virus. Public gatherings including praying inside the mosque are restrictedWe suggested to have to social distancing for a while. It’s not lockdown. It’s limited movement. You can still go out and buy groceries. A several public services is still operating normally. The whole idea is prevent a large group of people from being together. The company I work for has asked everyone to work from home. They schedule a confrence meeting and we still have to provide a progress reports. My first day of online work from home has been an epic fail. Sleepy, eating like crazy and trying to keep myself sane. I am finding it hard to get motivated at the moment. I am a little confused as to what the proper attire is when working from home.

I am usually productive and organized at the office but now I am sleepy and even staring out the windows. It is hard to get my mind wrapped into working stuff. When you work at home, it can be hard to keep your professional life separate from your home life. So, how can you keep your work life on track when there is a comfortable couch at home? Or a fridge with full stocked food? I think I have to wake up and be able to adapt to a constantly changing situation like this moment. So far, the good thing of working from home is i can totally rest my body (after an exhausting business trip in Senipah last week). I am saving 2-2.5 hours of time daily by not commuting to the office (now, my commute is literally 3 steps from my bed to the computer). I don’t wear makeup at all and I have lots of time for sports. It would be rude if i am not take an advantage of working from home.

 is now a real problem. It can be spread even in the incubation stage or without any symptoms. We support the government efforts to tackle corona virus. Follow the rules our governments have imposed. We recommended to stay home at least 14 days. We couldn’t able to break the corona chain unless we stop the gathering. Take this seriously because you can unknowingly be a carrier. Practice social distancing and sanitize. If you have symptoms like fever, cough, and sneezing. Don’t panic and don’t hesitate to visit hospital. Whether you have the corona virus or not, try and get as much rest as you can. Your quarantine may stop spreading Corona virus in our community.

Depot Miki Balikpapan

Kalimantan memang menjadi salah satu magnet bagi para pekerja minyak. Kekayaan sumber daya alam yang dimiliki pulau ini membuat banyak perusahaan minyak beroperasi di sini. Balikpapan menjadi kota pertama yang saya singgahi karena menjadi lokasi dimana terdapat bandara utama Kalimantan Timur yaitu Bandara Sepinggan. Kebetulan pesawat saya tiba di Balikpapan pada pagi hari. Saya sebagai pendatang baru di kota minyak ini, tentu saya ingin merasakan rutinitas pagi yang dijalankan oleh warga Balikpapan. Saya mengunjungi salah satu tempat sarapan yang cukup terkenal di Balikpapan yaitu Depot Miki Balikpapan.  

Depot ini memiliki konsep seperti foodcourt dimana kita bisa memesan sendiri makanan kita di stand yang kita inginkan. Setiap kali saya sarapan disini, tempat ini selalu ramai pengunjung. Depot ini menawarkan menu sarapan yang sarat akan karbohidrat kompleks seperti Nasi Kuning, Soto Banjar, Lontong Sayur, Bakmi Ayam hingga Bubur Ayam. Menu favorit saya adalah Nasi Kuning. Nasi Kuning disini agak berbeda dengan Nasi Kuning yang umum saya jumpai di Pulau Jawa. Nasinya agak sedikit lengket karena dicampur dengan beras ketan, serta memiliki citarasa khas Banjar. 

Nasi kuning dengan ikan haruan

Lauk pendamping yang paling menarik disini adalah ikan haruan masak habang (masak bumbu merah). Ikan haruan merupakan ikan predator air tawar (sejenis ikan gabus) yang mempunyai habitat hidup di sungai dan rawa-rawa. Depot ini menjadi salah satu kedai sarapan legendaris di kota Balikpapan. Buka dari jam 7 pagi hingga jam 3 sore WITA. Tempatnya sederhana dan tidak ada pendingin udara, sehingga akan terasa panas dan sumpek jika dalam kondisi padat pengunjung. Bagi kalian yang akan bertandang ke kota minyak ini, jangan lupa untuk sarapan di Depot Miki Balikpapan. 

Depot Miki Balikpapan
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.93,
Klandasan Ilir, Balikpapan Indonesia

You Never too Late to Rise & Shine

Do you ever just look back on how shite your life once was and how you were just at your lowest point? A very long time ago, I was at my lowest point in my life. Seriously… These past 10 years have been the hardest ever years of my life. Financially, mentally, and physically. Nothing was working out the way I wanted it. I was not ready to handle it. For whoever said being in your 20s was fun, you lied. I lost some weight and had a few of breakdowns. No one was going to be there to catch me when I fell. I was a bit sad. I was completely baffled. I assumed everyone had forgotten me. 

When life gets too weird, I just burried myself in work to forgot problems. I had become a workaholic and only work could numb the loneliness in me. Some people do drugs or alcohol, I over work myself. This is what makes me a bit late to rise and shine. It’s pathetic. But, a major life event usually causes people to stop and rethink their own lives. I am beginning to re-arrange life in my late 20s. At this stage, I have more maturity, balance, and wisdom than before. I am returning to school because I want to moving up, forward, earning more, and learning more. 

After a difficult start, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I see a light coming out to my life. Sparkle and shine even when the sun is out. I don’t wanna call it a blessing in disguise but, their true beauty is revealed. There is one thing I have come to understand: There is a time and season for everything in life. When it’s your time to shine, everything will fall in place. And it finally came on to my life. The blue moon has kept rising since then. Whenever I see people achieve great things or are successful in life, I get so motivated to work hard and chase my life goals. 

This is a reminder for you… If you have someone that might be going through hard times, remind them: there is a light through all the darkness…and that light is you. This is your time to shine. There is a time for negative emotions, but try to be relentlessly positive today. You are called to stand out. Focus on those who wanna help you rise and shine, not sink. 

You never too late to Rise & Shine!!!

Virus Corona dan Panic Buying

Seminggu ini saya cukup merasakan berada di tengah-tengah fenomena panic buyingPanic buying alias belanja besar-besaran karena panik adalah tindakan membeli sejumlah barang berdasarkan rasa takut. Status Indonesia yang tidak lagi bebas corona membuat reaksi berlebihan di masyarakat. Kesadaran persiapan menghadapi bencana seperti ini masih sangat kurang di Indonesia sehingga orang-orang menjadi panik setelah Pak Presiden Jokowi mengumumkan bahwa ada 2 orang WNI positif terjangkit Virus Corona (Covid-19). Beberapa toko ritel/supermarket di Jabodetabek diserbu orang-orang untuk memborong kebutuhan pokok. Masker dan Hand Sanitizer pun menjadi langka sehingga barang-barang tersebut dicuan-in oleh oknum pedagang nakal. Harga barang pokok menjadi naik. Hal ini tentu memengaruhi daya beli kaum ekonomi lemah. Menurut Perdana Menteri Singapura Lee Hsien Loong, bahaya yang lebih berat bukanlah ancaman dari virus korona itu sendiri, melainkan kepanikan yang berlebihan. Permintaan berlebihan akan membuat pasokan sulit untuk dipenuhi serta ancaman kenaikan inflasi.
Siapa sih orang yang tidak akan khawatir jika terpapar virus corona? Dalam situasi apapun kita memang harus bersiap untuk kemungkinan yang terburuk tapi gak perlu sampai panic buying. Kenyataannya cuma akan membuat kita menjadi semakin parno dan serakah. Everyone literally fighting corona. Sekarang ini lebih tepat untuk menjaga kesehatan dan memperlambat perluasan infeksi penyakit ini dengan menghindari kerumunan. Beberapa gedung perkantoran di Jakarta pun sudah menerapkan body temperature check pada setiap pintu masuk sebagai upaya pencegahan. Bahkan sebuah artikel berita menyebutkan tips dari Pak Menkes agar jangan lembur terus karena imunitas tubuh kita bisa turun (God, my manager should read this!).

 is not an automatic death sentence, proper hygiene should be enforced. I am not saying we should not be careful, but the government know exactly what they are doing. Semua virus akan perang melawan imunitas tubuh, 
makanya pencegahan virus corona bisa dilakukan dengan cara berolahraga dan mengonsumsi makanan yang bergizi agar daya imun tubuh bisa kuat. Keep your own immune system strong enough to fight the virus.
Do a healthy life and keep your hand clean. 
Make sure you accept valid information only, do a cross and re-check.
Don’t be panic, but Don’t be careless.

Belajar Literasi Finansial Sejak Dini

Kecerdasan finansial merupakan salah satu kecerdasan yang sangat dibutuhkan bagi setiap orang. Orang tua saya sebenarnya memiliki literasi finansial yang cukup baik, namun sayangnya kebiasaan ini tidak diterapkan kepada saya sejak dini. Orang tua saya sangat menyayangi saya, akan tetapi cenderung terlalu memanjakan saya. Saya terbiasa dimanjakan dengan fasilitas hidup dan kelimpahan. Namun, hal ini kemudian menjadi bumerang bagi saya sendiri. Saya tumbuh menjadi anak yang selalu bergantung pada orang tua. Saya tidak terbiasa menabung apalagi menyiapkan dana darurat. Hal ini dikarenakan orang tua selalu memenuhi kebutuhan finansial saya, sehingga saya tidak memiliki target dan tujuan finansial di masa depan. Disinilah saya merasa pentingnya literasi finansial sejak dini. Banyak masalah penting dalam hidup saya yang terjadi akibat kurang meleknya terhadap finansial. Salah satunya ketika saya sedang kuliah, orang tua saya saat itu juga mulai memasuki masa pensiun. Mereka secara perlahan berhenti mendukung saya secara finansial. Kestabilan finansial saya makin goyah menjelang semester-semester akhir. Saya akhirnya harus bekerja ekstra keras untuk dapat menopang biaya pendidikan. Saya aktif ikut beberapa proyek dosen, dan mengambil pekerjaan freelance. 

Belajar literasi finansial adalah salah satu keputusan terbaik dalam hidup saya. Sebelum kenal akun Jouska dan Big Alpha, saya memulai literasi finansial dengan membaca buku "Rich Dad Poor Dad" karangan Robert T. Kiyosaki. Buku ini membahas tentang fundamental keuangan yang dapat membuka pandangan kita terhadap persoalan finansial. Dari sini saya perlahan mulai belajar untuk menabung dan mengumpulkan dana darurat. Saya belajar merubah gaya hidup dan membeli yang saya butuhkan, bukan yang saya inginkan. Menurut saya, sudah waktunya lembaga pendidikan formal memasukkan literasi finansial ke dalam pelajaran kurikulum agar kita sebagai generasi milenial menjadi lebih aware dengan pinjaman-pinjaman online yang menyesatkan atau bahkan terhadap situasi darurat Covid-19 seperti saat ini. Selain itu, saya menemukan fakta bahwa literasi finansial perempuan cenderung lebih rendah daripada pria, padahal banyak keputusan aliran dana ada di tangan perempuan (istri). Oleh karena itu, mari kita sadar finansial sejak dini agar masa depan kita menjadi lebih baik.

Satu Juta Penumpang Transjakarta

Pemandangan ini yang biasa saya lihat setiap pulang kantor bila melintasi kawasan segitiga emas Jakarta. Bisa dibilang sepanjang jalan Sudirman-Thamrin ini surganya transportasi publik di Jakarta. Transjakarta, KRL, MRT, LRT (coming soon), kereta bandara, bahkan shuttle bus gratis GR1 dan GR2. Namun, pelayanan transportasi publik kita masih belum terintregasi dengan baik. Jadwal dan durasi perjalanan yang tidak tepat waktu. Resiko antrian, desak-desakan dan berdiri selama commuting pada saat rush hour membuat sebagian masyarakat lebih menyukai membawa kendaraan pribadi. Memang agak sulit untuk merubah mindset masyarakat dari naik kendaraan pribadi ke transportasi publik. Ini karena rasa bangga/prestige naik transportasi publik masih rendah. Menurut saya jalan keluarnya ya pelayanannya harus dibenahi. 

Andai pelayanan transportasi publik sudah terintegrasi, aman, nyaman, dan on-time sudah bisa dipastikan semua masyarakat akan beralih ke angkutan umum. Bisa istirahat dan gak perlu mikir bayar cicilan kendaraan tiap bulan. Dari segi finansial pun (asik mulai ngomongin cuan nih), investasi dalam bentuk kendaraan itu tidak menguntungkan. Kita harus bayar pajak per tahun dan kena depresiasi sehingga kalau dijual gak bisa setinggi harga saat kita beli. Apalagi kalau kita belinya nyicil.FYI, pengguna Transjakarta kemarin resmi mencapai 1 juta orang per hari sedangkan pengguna KRL udah 1 juta per hari dari sejak tahun lalu. Ini membuktikan bahwa mindset masyarakat kita sebenarnya bisa diubah secara perlahan. Tinggal diiringi dengan fasilitas dan pelayanannya aja yang harus memadai. Semoga warga di pelosok daerah lain bisa segera merasakan ketersediaan transportasi publik yang aman dan nyaman.

Self-Love in Valentine’s Day

Today is about “Lovey-Dovey”. Some people would be said that it is not our culture to celebrate Valentine (related to faith issues) but over the years, I have learned that valentine’s day is more like spread some love and intimacy to your loved ones: spouse, family, friendships, and even pets. No matter what you do today and whether you celebrate it or not. This day is the celebration for all forms of love. It is not about being a couple or being single. You are loved. You are worthy. Take a moment to say thank you, or write a gratitude letter to whoever has made a positive impact on your life. Reward your lover, relatives or anyone who close to your heart.

Reminding you all just in case some of you forget: Self love is a priority!. Dedicate some love for yourself too. Give yourself bunch of affections. Appreciate every small things in you. Recognise your blessings. Self reward for being alive and breath ’till now. Buy yourself flowers, buy chocolate, play skyrim, do what you loveYou deserve to be loved as much as you love someone else. The way you treat yourself sets the standards for others. You can only be good to anyone if you are good to yourself too. Raise your awareness for self-care and self-love. Start today if you haven’t been doing it.

Major Life Decision

Life is a series of choices and decisions. There are times when you have to choose and make major life changing events such as which univers...