Working from Home (4)

What's scarier than being alone? Isolation and Insanity. As a fan of the Stephen King (Book and Movie), I watched 'The Shining' again last night. 'The Shining' is a 1980 Pyschological horror film about a family staying at a hotel where the man (Jack Torrence) slowly becomes insane and psychotic. Living in isolation, he begins to lose his sanity which affects his family members. Watching 'The Shining' while in self-isolation sounds not good idea. 'The shining' perfectly exibits how closely related solitude is to mental illness. 'The Shining' taught me everything I need to know about the effects of isolation.


In this time of weirdness, 'The Shining’ is starting to make a lot of sense. It just occurred to me that my working-from-home life is basically like Jack except: I don’t own an axe, I don't have cabin fever and I am totally sure I am not insane while I am TRYING TO WRITE MY BLOG. I guess I am just stuck in my house. Social distancing and isolation is not easy on the mental health. Maybe sitting in your house doing whatever you want sounds easy at the first place, but that's forgetting all the psychological factors. Being stuck inside for almost a damn month, it makes you go stir crazy. It is also increased risk of depression and anxiety. Think Jack in 'The Shining'. Mental health is a thing, people. This film makes us aware that health must be maintained both physically and mentally. 

Working from home is wild. I either spend 6-8 hours sitting in front of my computer to appear online, or I fall so deep into work that the next thing I know, it’s 9 pm and I still haven’t eaten lunch. How Not to End Up like Jack from 'The Shining'? If you're new to working remotely you're going to need some strategies to not go stir crazy. For the sake of sanity, I need to go to outside to stay sane. I later realized how bad I need sunlight, fresh air, and exercise. The only places I can have any kind of social interaction is at the coffee shop, McDonald’s, and the grocery store. It is nice to be back in an area where I meet people and don’t depend on online social interaction to stay sane. 

If you're someone who needs social interaction to stay sane, go outside with mask at all the time. Wipe everything with alcohol before putting away and wash clothes and shower after.

Stay healthy!
Stay sane!
Stay alive!

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