A Fruitful Years of 2019

I am beyond grateful for 2019, one of the most productive and fruitful years ever. A years of 2019 has been a roller coaster ride. A year of pain, sadness, blessings, answered prayers and life lessons. My great achievement for year 2019 is a certificate with tears of joy finally in my hand. Yeah, I can finished my Master Degree programs on time in 2 years. Alhamdulillah… I could not have accomplished this without God who really did a lot this year. My family who gave me the mental and physical strength to go through it. My research advisor who guided me through every step of my research project. My colleagues and my mentors in Pertamina who has supported me personally and professionally. 

Looking back at this year, what sort of things had happened? I went through a lot in adapting and experiencing changes. A big thank you for those who have been there for me in 2019, in all the ups and downs, and also the deep bottomless pits. I know I am not perfect. I say stupid things sometimes. I laugh when I am not supposed to. But I make one promise, that I will continue to remember you. You have proved me that even if life is not perfect, that it sure could be worth every second of it. I hope you guys can be happy, surrounded by people you love, and lots of luck in 2020. Goodbye 2019…

Dear Self

Dear Self…

I am so grateful to reach you. I know the times are upsetting. It is damn tiring to act okay and always be strong when in reality you are close to the edge. I am sorry for the irresponsible people who judge you. You might feel unloved by your friends, colleagues or people around you, but I can promise you it’s not forever. You’re spiritually strong because you have got through this far. Cheer up, you are worth it. No one has right to judge you. Those who judge are just bored and may be envious of your achievement. It is because you have something very special within you.

You are amazing, you are brave, and you are unbreakable. I am glad you are able to fuck anyone who pushes you negative ideas and make positive steps forward. Thank you for working hard, Thank you for being you… You are destined for not giving up. 
Accept your greatness and believe that you have a reason to live. It is going to be a long fight and you’ve only just got started. I hope you sleep and eat well because you need all the energy to deal with it.



Major Life Decision

Life is a series of choices and decisions. There are times when you have to choose and make major life changing events such as which univers...