Looking back at this year, what sort of things had happened? I went through a lot in adapting and experiencing changes. A big thank you for those who have been there for me in 2019, in all the ups and downs, and also the deep bottomless pits. I know I am not perfect. I say stupid things sometimes. I laugh when I am not supposed to. But I make one promise, that I will continue to remember you. You have proved me that even if life is not perfect, that it sure could be worth every second of it. I hope you guys can be happy, surrounded by people you love, and lots of luck in 2020. Goodbye 2019…
A Fruitful Years of 2019
Looking back at this year, what sort of things had happened? I went through a lot in adapting and experiencing changes. A big thank you for those who have been there for me in 2019, in all the ups and downs, and also the deep bottomless pits. I know I am not perfect. I say stupid things sometimes. I laugh when I am not supposed to. But I make one promise, that I will continue to remember you. You have proved me that even if life is not perfect, that it sure could be worth every second of it. I hope you guys can be happy, surrounded by people you love, and lots of luck in 2020. Goodbye 2019…
Dear Self
I am so grateful to reach you. I know the times are upsetting. It is damn tiring to act okay and always be strong when in reality you are close to the edge. I am sorry for the irresponsible people who judge you. You might feel unloved by your friends, colleagues or people around you, but I can promise you it’s not forever. You’re spiritually strong because you have got through this far. Cheer up, you are worth it. No one has right to judge you. Those who judge are just bored and may be envious of your achievement. It is because you have something very special within you.
You are amazing, you are brave, and you are unbreakable. I am glad you are able to fuck anyone who pushes you negative ideas and make positive steps forward. Thank you for working hard, Thank you for being you… You are destined for not giving up. Accept your greatness and believe that you have a reason to live. It is going to be a long fight and you’ve only just got started. I hope you sleep and eat well because you need all the energy to deal with it.
Changes in my routine
Wondering why sunrise become so early. Wondering why people walking everyday on the same paths. Wondering why people want to trapped in the same routinity while they have power to change it. Yes, this is me. I am wondering about why…why… and why… I have a quiet and secure life before. I am living in a comfort zone. Should I change my routinity?? I’m literally wake up from my rebahan life since November 2019. Why would I try to change my routinity? Move on from the past. I was doing the same routine through Monday to Friday… for one to another years… and studied… and had my tests and got my grades… then my life comepletely changes and I’m suddenly become an adult and all of my classmates slowly disappear away…
How long you gonna do the same things? Not everybody need an adrenaline rush to change. But, I’ve found it’s tied to my overall stress level. There is the day that you will be tired of the same routine then that’s the moment that you will make change. Hard to swallow pill: if you’re miserable in your life but continue to follow the same routine, you will continue to be miserable until you take action and make real life changes. I cannot change things that have already happened, and obsessing over them does nothing to help me now. I cannot predict the future, so worrying about it does nothing to help me either. Instead of having my mind elsewhere, bring myself back to now, in this moment, focused on what I am doing and who I am with.
Health, Family, and Career
When You Feel Like Quitting, Remember Why You Started
Changes in my routine
Life After Graduation (2)
Entering the “real world” after graduation for Second Time (First Bachelors degree, Second Masters degree). I am feeling lost, scared, lonely, and confused. In Psychology, it is a normal symptoms which is common in a person’s 20s-30s. This is literally thing called “quarter life crisis”. For everyone out there who are struggling with your quarter-life crisis, you are not alone. I am feeling anxious too, because no one ever told me how to be an adult. There are so many issues that I am dealing with: career, imperfections, social life, spiritual and etc. I am facing the truth that people will come and go. Most of them will go and you’ll live in a smaller circle.
People change, and so do I
Data is the new oil, is it true?
Petroleum is the most valuable commodity in the history of the world. But, many people says 2020 will be the year of data. Is data worth more than oil? Data is more valuable than oil. It can be used by many people simultaneously without being depleted. In a digital economy, companies have started treating data like an asset. We live in an age where running business with the help of data is the new standard. Data help us to know which of your products are currently hot items on the market. It is an important information that reflect personal data of costumers on the web searches. Google and Facebook have made billion dollar businesses from this data.
“If data were petroleum in the artificial intelligence era,
then China would be Saudi Arabia”
The founder and chief executive of Beijing-based Sinovation Ventures told that China would be the new Saudi Arabia. China is the country with massive number of internet users (greater than the United States and Europe) which provide the big data. China is projected to lead the world in artificial intelligence in less than 10 years to become the largest economy. If data is ‘the new oil’, then the data scientist functions much like an oil refinery, converting data into insights that can both save money and generate capital.
1. https://www.economist.com/business/2017/07/15/china-may-match-or-beat-america-in-ai
2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2019/06/07/as-china-challenges-the-u-s-in-ai-big-data-and-machine-learning-are-reshaping-the-energy-industry/
3. https://www.yicaiglobal.com/news/china-is-to-data-what-saudi-arabia-is-to-oil-kaifu-lee-tells-ai-forum
Sekali Teman, Tetap Teman
Tahun 2019 Ganti Mindset
Setiap orang punya parameter kebahagian masing-masing:
🌼 Ada yang bahagia ketika bisa menikah muda
🌼 Ada yang bahagia ketika bisa melanjutkan pendidikannya dulu
🌼 Ada juga yang bahagia ketika bisa menjalankan usaha/bisnis sendiri
Gak ada yang salah dengan semua itu… Menjadi SALAH adalah ketika mulai memaksakan DEFINISI BAHAGIA kita kepada orang lain seperti:
🌼Punya anak yang sedang lucu-lucunya lalu berpikir semua orang harus segera berkeluarga dan punya anak
🌼Mencibir mereka yang lebih memilih fokus dalam karir saja atau mengurus rumah tangga saja
🌼Mengajak orang lain untuk resign dari pekerjaannya dan menjadi enterpreneur
Inspired by adulting with @jonathanend #mindsetmatters
5 Things that Schools Doesn’t Teach
Developing the passion
Passion? What is passion? Do I have one? To be honest, I don’t believe in passion. Don’t get me wrong, it is merely because I don’t know how to recognize it since none are actually explain it clearly. To be more realistic, build passion might be possible to do since elementary or high school. But I believe as people growing, they are (mostly) studying in Accounting / Engineering / Medical because of their parents advice. These major is probably more familiar in their parents ear (or in their parents career legacy). In this case, the school does not take part in developing passion, and sometimes passion changes with time.
Networking building
In my experience, a convenient way to get a job is not always about good academic background or high GPA. A high GPA is good, but networking and building friendships is sometimes what gets you a job. That is why I need to make friends with people who can connect us to a better job, both online and offline. I have been ready with an updated resume or an attractive LinkedIn profile. Furthermore, I am always be kept in mind that networking only can take me to the door, not to keep me in it. It is necessary to upgrade my skill and giving impact to company.
Financial Management
When I was growing up, I didn’t quite understand the term “sandwich generation” until I have been financially responsible as my parents begin to age. I have to manage my money wisely after my parents retired. Probably, this is what a sandwich generation feels like, even though I am not married (or having kids) yet. I think financial management is an important skill that people should have in life (whatever their background or social status). Since I am not coming from financial/accounting background, I never really learned how to manage savings, assets, and investments. I only learned it based on my parents experience which is not always relevant in this age.
Handling Failure
Failure and rejection is never easy. It’s hard on us adults. What more on kids. The schools does not really taught us about how to deal with a failure. A failure itself that will taught you to work even harder. This is what we called “the school of life”. Failure is not a bad thing. It forces you to move on and undergo the process. If something is not working out, just take a break and learn from the mistakes. They all will make you who and what you are later.
Being Realistic
Life doesn’t always have smooth running as those motivators said. When I was childhood, I live in idealism where I should get a job and reach financial freedom before 30s. But in fact, my idealism defeated by reality. When I was seventeen, my parents got divorced which remained me a traumatic experience. I was losing myself and mind at that time. I was attempt to suicide in my 20s. Still, lack of financial support to enroll college made me take an internship/part-time job. What I have learned from all the events? I learned that our idealism can kills us slowly, if not properly maintained. What makes me survive? Trying to lower my expectation and be realistic. I work hard like it is my last day and never lower my standard. Again, this is not taught by the conventional schools. The experience does.
Keep Moving Forward
Whenever people from your past spread negative stuff about you, just remember that all they know is a past version of you, and now you’re not that person anymore. You don’t need to fight back or prove anything, just keep moving forward. What’s done is done and what’s gone is gone. One of the life’s most valuable lessons is learning how to let go and move on. Looking back at your good memories is fine but never let the past stop you from moving forward. If you want to fly on the sky, you need to be an eagle. If you want to move forward, you need to let go of the past and don’t let negative people drag you down.
Major Life Decision
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To be honest, my views about age gaps has changed because I have seen more diversity of relationships in real life. I just found it amusing...
Life is a series of choices and decisions. There are times when you have to choose and make major life changing events such as which univers...
Itaewon Class might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it is such a good spirit lifting drama to watch. This is not a typical romantic drama,...