Does age really matter in a relationship?

To be honest, my views about age gaps has changed because I have seen more diversity of relationships in real life. I just found it amusing when people starting a rumor and spreading negativity about this situation. Not everyone is into casual relationship. An older rich man can marry younger wife and there won’t be issues, but if older lady marry younger guy there will be lot of issues. Friends, family members, and social circles. I have never seen people so worried about someone else’s relationship.

Does age really matter? There is no law or rules that is written on paper but age doesn’t matter when you both are on the same level of maturity. Don’t they know? 
There are some younger men out there that are mature enough and financially established. They want to get married and raise children in their young age. They are adults and are already capable of deciding what’s right and wrong for them.  A romance between an older woman and a younger man becoming increasingly in big cities. But, a wider age gaps might be challenging, especially in Asia. I understand why some people are not agreeing with this. A judgment persists.  

Do relationships between older women and younger men work? 
This kind of relationship relies on the same things all relationships hinge on: finding a person who shares your interests, beliefs and principles. I don’t mind having relationship with younger man, as long as an age gap is about 5-10 years. If it is wider, it would be harder to handle relationship since women are generally more emotionally mature than men. But again, it depends on individuals values and perspective. Age has nothing to do. If you’re matured enough to think and take a responsibility and commitment for every decisions. That’s all matter in a relationship. 

People change, and so do I

Just like season, people come and go. Our world is moving faster every day. Some people will move to a different city, state, or country in order to achieve their life goals namely study, carrier, or marriage. Some people pursue their degree to have a better career opportunity. Some people quit their jobs because they are looking for career development. Some people let go of their relationship because they don’t get along with their spouse. -or- Some people quit their life because they no longer feel they are valued. So, what’s the lesson? The world never stop us to keep moving forward. What we are going through is not permanent. We get to meet stranger people everyday. But at the end of the day, these people will go and leave a mark. They become a part of your life story, a chapter of a book or the book itself.

Most recently, I have had an opportunity to meet a lot of guys. Some of them are my classmate in master degree and some others are my Co-workers and Colleague during internship. So much fun and so much enthusiasm at that time. But just like a blink of an eye, I have to moving forward. I realize that I can’t be a student (or I can’t be an intern worker) all the time. In a world where I move, it is inevitable to see change. Only time will tell when we’d change (and I am also the one who is changing). My journey to the next chapter of life starts here.

Not every change is good. In most cases, a phone that can only do text messaging and calls to something that can do videos, cameras and more. It’s a good change. But, you’re doing ok at work then you get fired or laid off because business has been bad. It’s a bad change. Stephen Covey, an American author and businesman ever said that there are three constants in life: change, choice and principles. It means that the decisions and choices we make, the relationships we build or let go, these will determine our lives in the years to come.

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