The New Normal is "The New Me"

Did you ever feel empty inside? I feel very empty inside. I am honestly missing a human to human connection right now. Lockdown is fully giving me an insanity. Workload has increased 3-4 times due to circumstances. I feel numbness in my mind, body, and soul.  I am not sure, if it's the missing feeling of my family and friends or if there’s something not right. But I think, this is a part of feeling lonely af lately, or constantly seeing the world around me crumble and having some very intense dysphoria.

As someone who’s went through and seen traumatic things growing up, I know how it feels to be cold and bitter for no reason. Such a strange world at the moment I need distracting from this conditions. I am trying all kinds of ways to make myself more cheered up. Life is getting hard without that one person who was always there by your side. Some people need more support from others than they can get irl.

I am pretty sure this new normal is going to be just normal pretty soon. I get myself to accept and subsequently conform to. May The New Normal also remarks "The New Me". We can slowly start to shift our mindset away from fear and towards hope and optimism.

Stay healthy!
Stay sane!
Stay alive!

Major Life Decision

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