Welcoming Eid-al-Fitr with "New Normal"

My journey for Ramadan this year is quite different and challenging.We unable to celebrate Ramadan feast like how we used to be. With the social distancing suggestion, we have to stay at home. It is physical distancing that we must practice, not social distancing. A thousand miles apart, but stay close at heart. It is very nice to be part of such a beautiful Ramadan celebration even from the distance. We may not be able to see each other (-or- to gather together in the ways we often would), but we know that you are always in our hearts. Our efforts to stay home may help to "flatten the curve".

A very different Ramadan, but the essence remains. This is the most meaningful Ramadan I have witnessed in my life. I was more focused on my prayers. I realised how prayer can help you to recalibrate in the midst of a challenging day at work or when you're going through a difficult time. I have a different perspective on life that I didn’t 10 weeks ago. This Ramadan gives a special message about selflessness and save other people's lives. Spend time with your loved ones when you can, as life is short. Sharing what we have and caring for others. 

Sunday is the first day of Syawal 1441H, marking the beginning of Eid-al-Fitr celebrations for Muslims across the globe. Hari Raya Eid-al-Fitr is a joyous celebration where family members greet one another. This year’s celebration will be very different. We are all facing a new normal during this Pandemic Time. We are forced to change our lifestyle to fit into current situation. People are being creative and have seek a way to celebrate occasions through video conferencing and social media, virtual reaching friends, family and community members. They get on to Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet to socialize. Reconnecting with loved ones on a video call over a cup of tea (and a plate of  "ketupat" and rendang). 

They say building Silaturahim online is a new normal. This pandemic has pushed many people into closer relationships with tech and this is the beginning of new normal. We are forced to be technologically advanced. Mom, Dad, Grandparents, Children, and Siblings may become a part of digital society right now. We have to adapt to this new normal and make the best out of it. Stay connected with your loved ones and stay safe! 

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin 

Eid-Al-Fitr 1441H: Forgive Yourself Before Others

Easy to forgive others, but difficult to forgive yourself? Eid is all about "forgiveness" but would you forgive yourself? For years, we have been taught to forgive others but we have never been taught to forgive ourselves. How often do we hurt ourselves? Overthinking? Moody? or Insecure? Blaming yourself for all the failures that you encountered and insecurities that you keep under the skin are really toxic anyway. Self harm also looks like seeking acceptance, trying to satisfy everyone, living somebody else’s path, and keeping abusive people around. Self harm can become an addiction with cravings and withdrawal. There is no guarantee you would have 100% stopped because self harm loves self blame too. You’re doing more (self) harm by holding on. One to over come this is save yourself from self harm. This means you forgive yourself even what you think is unforgivable. Learn to say "no" to others and let go of what's bitter. Stop worrying so much and stop comparing yourself. Be kind to yourself. 

Ramadan is almost over. We talk about asking for forgiveness and forgiving others a lot during Eid here. But this year, I think maybe it’s also a good time to forgive yourself. Let go of the thing you have been carrying that’s weighing you down. Eid Fitr is not only a chance to ask forgiveness from others, but also a chance for you to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself before others and have a blessed Eid-al-Fitr. Today is Eid, marks a new year. It demarks time to change your way of thinking.  Let this Eid open your mind and live your life like everyday is Ramadan.

To anyone I have hurt directly or indirectly. I am sincerely sorry. May this Eid fills your days with tons of joy, blessings, love and kindness to your heart. Let’s forgive others and forgive yourself.  I wish you peace, compassion, connection, insight, and growth. Eid is supposed to be the happiest time of the year for a Muslim. The most blessed and joyous. This year might not as usual because we have to stay at home, but it is for the best. Wherever you are, please please take care of yourself, stay safe and keep yourself healthy. 

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1441H
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Batin 

Are We Ready For "New Normal"?

On saturday afternoon, I opened an email from the office and I found the slide "Get Ready For New Normal" which contained new work rules during the pandemic until 2021. Am I ready for the "new normal"?  Not really. But, do I have a choice? Well, everyone is trying to adapt with the new normal. It has officially been 10 weeks since I’ve interacted with another person in person. Zoom is great and all, but I’m not sure I can do it for another weeks. It really makes my soul scream. I am not really loving the new normal but like everyone else, I just miss my normal life. An activities in my city have started to appear "normal" in the last few days of Ramadan. People get active in the markets. Salesmen try to sell their goods. People try to buy everything they need for Eid al-Fitr. It is fully responsible for spread of virus, endangering their own and other people's lives by crowding. But, it is also shows that we cannot stay at home to wait for the right medicine for this pandemic.

A new normal changing the way everyone in the world is working and living their daily lives. It also affects to working, transportation, consumption, construction, city-planning and everything we do. I Just watched the video how big malls in Bangkok re-open and adapt with new normal condition. Get ready for a new normal might be the way to recover and survive from COVID-19 outbreaks. According to WHO, Corona would not go away soon; we have to live with it. Staying indoors for ever is not a solution. We've been pausing for too long. Slowly and cautiously we will have to come back to our regular life by accepting new normal. Life is must go on somehow. Everybody have mouth to feed, stomach to be filled. Without working and do activities, the economy of the country will become worse.

We don't know when this Pandemic will be over. As the world adapts to a new normal, it is important that we keep up with all the safety and sanitization measures. Social distancing, masks and enhanced hygiene are becomes our new normal. At least do it for yourself, for everyone's safety. I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy during this time. We must adapt and adjust to the new normal without fear. We will get through this together. God bless everyone...

Major Life Decision

Life is a series of choices and decisions. There are times when you have to choose and make major life changing events such as which univers...