Changes in my routine

Wondering why sunrise become so early. Wondering why people walking everyday on the same paths. Wondering why people want to trapped in the same routinity while they have power to change it. Yes, this is me. I am wondering about why…why… and why… I have a quiet and secure life before. I am living in a comfort zone. Should I change my routinity?? I’m literally wake up from my rebahan life since November 2019. Why would I try to change my routinity? Move on from the past.  I was doing the same routine through Monday to Friday… for one to another years… and studied… and had my tests and got my grades… then my life comepletely changes and I’m suddenly become an adult and all of my classmates slowly disappear away… 

How long you gonna do the same things? 
Not everybody need an adrenaline rush to change. But, I’ve found it’s tied to my overall stress level. There is the day that you will be tired of the same routine then that’s the moment that you will make change. Hard to swallow pill: if you’re miserable in your life but continue to follow the same routine, you will continue to be miserable until you take action and make real life changes. I cannot change things that have already happened, and obsessing over them does nothing to help me now. I cannot predict the future, so worrying about it does nothing to help me either. Instead of having my mind elsewhere, bring myself back to now, in this moment, focused on what I am doing and who I am with.

If you want to change the quality of your life, you have to start doing things that you’ve never done before. I took the time to watch the sunset on my way home. Go for a walk and enjoy the nature. Calm myself during a busy time of my day. Meditate for 10 minutes and I write down the things I’m thankful for. Spend time with a loved one. Not just to watch movie or having lunch together, but to actually be with them, talk with them, and bond with them. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. change in my routine reduce stress & chaos in my life. Practicing a new routinity, it changes my mood throughout the day. It’s a great, quiet way to start the day. 

Health, Family, and Career

Life is like jugling with three balls in your hands; Health, Family, and Career. Health and Family are made from glass, and Career is made from rubber. It will bounce back once it fell. Career is an important thing but, Health and Family also can’t wait. Pathetic is you, and Tragedy is you if you’re still in the same desk 10 years from now. 

You can changes all the time, it’s depend on “when” will you brave enough to move? Career is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. It’s not about the speed, it’s about the endurance. It’s not career that you pursue, it’s the paychecks. No matter how good or bad you think career is, be thankful for it. Some engineers somewhere else are working in a bank. Sometimes the company can changes people. The Company owns you, your holiday, your social life, and your sleeping time. We pay your time, We buy your social life. In other words, “We own you”. 

Good career, good social life and proper sleep hour. You can only choose two of them. If you’re giving up your social life for so called career, you must be well paid by your employer. Choosing to live your life by your own choice is the greatest freedom you will ever have. Choose wisely guys and Goodluck for chasing your career.

When You Feel Like Quitting, Remember Why You Started

A great philosopher once said: one bad things doesn’t mean your life is over. So, don’t let one day ruin everything for you. It is just a bad day, not a bad life. If you wanna stop, remember why did you start??? Why did you do this, when you are about to give up??? If you give up, it means you never want it at the first place. If you tired, please rest. It is okay to feel anxiety or self doubt. Just take a deep breathe and keep your head up. 

Start over your mind to remember your purpose and those people who believe in you. Remember what their hopes and smiles were made of. Remember how heavy your first step was. Remember why did you hold on to that thing for so long. Some people never tired of filling your heart with garbage. 

They might be makes you stressy depressy lemon zesty. But, all you need to do is throw that lemon back at their life. A beautiful garden requires so much work. Someday, better days will come and you’ll get what you deserve. No matter how dark or lost your days may seen, there is a sunshine that lies ahead of you. Take a coffee and relax your nerves for a brighter day.

Changes in my routine

Wondering why sunrise become so early. Wondering why people walking everyday on the same paths. Wondering why people want to trapped in the same routinity while they have power to change it. Yes, this is me. I am wondering about why…why… and why… I have a quiet and secure life before. I’m living in a comfort zone. Should I change my routinity?? I’m literally wake up from my rebahan life since November 2019. Why would I try to change my routinity? Move on from the past. I was doing the same routine through Monday to Friday… for one to another years… and studied… and had my tests and got my grades… then my life comepletely changes and I’m suddenly become an adult and all of my classmates slowly disappear away… 

How long you gonna do the same things? Not everybody need an adrenaline rush to change. But, I’ve found it’s tied to my overall stress level. There is the day that you will be tired of the same routine then that’s the moment that you will make change. Hard to swallow pill: if you’re miserable in your life but continue to follow the same routine, you will continue to be miserable until you take action and make real life changes. I cannot change things that have already happened, and obsessing over them does nothing to help me now. I cannot predict the future, so worrying about it does nothing to help me either. Instead of having my mind elsewhere, bring myself back to now, in this moment, focused on what I am doing and who I am with. 

If you want to change the quality of your life, you have to start doing things that you’ve never done before. I took the time to watch the sunset on my way home. Go for a walk and enjoy the nature. Calm myself during a busy time of my day. Meditate for 10 minutes and I write down the things I’m thankful for. Spend time with a loved one. Not just to watch movie or having lunch together, but to actually be with them, talk with them, and bond with them. You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. A change in my routine reduce stress & chaos in my life. Practicing a new routinity, it changes my mood throughout the day. It’s a great, quiet way to start the day.

Major Life Decision

Life is a series of choices and decisions. There are times when you have to choose and make major life changing events such as which univers...